
How To Start HIIT Workouts [Beginner’s Guide]

There are plenty of benefits surrounding HIIT workouts, and they’re constantly raved about by fitness gurus. But what is so special about them? HIIT workouts allow you to burn the same amount of calories and fat as a traditional, low-intensity workout, but in less time. This means that they are great for busy people – …

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How To Build Your Chest With Dumbbells [Guide]

The most common move people use to grow their chest is a bench press using a barbell. The bar will be stacked with as much weight as possible for an intense workout. However, this method can cause uneven growth and fails to work crucial parts of your chest muscle. Thankfully, dumbbell training can be used …

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5 Best Rear Delt Exercises For Shoulder Growth

Let’s face it, friends. Although few will admit it, mainly because we can’t see them in the mirror, most of us have underdeveloped rear deltoid muscles compared to the rest of our shoulders. It is easy for us to be consumed with shoulder exercises that will build the most muscle mass and upper body strength …

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The 9 Best Ab Exercises You Can Do Without Equipment

Your core can oftentimes be one of the more neglected parts of the body when it comes to training regimes. The core is often neglected due to the fact that it isn’t as fun and exciting to work these muscles as some of the other larger muscles.  However, we recommend trying to include some form …

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6 Best Dumbbell Exercises To Isolate Your Quads

Quads are important because they are the primary extensor in the knee which allows them to function properly and put up with the strain that comes with everyday actions. Because of this, making an effort to strengthen this muscle in workouts will provide significant benefits to you and you will enjoy the results and build …

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The Best Dumbbell Exercises For Hamstrings

The hamstring is made up of three muscles which are the bicep femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus. What is great about working your hamstrings is that you can target different muscles in your hamstrings depending on your fitness goals and what kind of exercise you want to do.  Hamstring muscles are crucial as they are in …

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