The Best Workouts For Extremely Busy People

Last Updated on November 24, 2022 by TJ Daniels, Certified Personal Trainer

We all wish we had a spare hour in the day. On the list of reasons why someone doesn’t work out, the fact that they have no time always comes out on top.

Time is indeed a precious asset and that’s why we’ve put together a list of the best workouts for those people who never seem to have enough time on their hands.

The Best Workouts For Extremely Busy People

If you’re interested in starting to get active and keeping on top of your health, then worry no more about finding the time. 

All you need to do is find the most effective (and fun) exercises and you will get there in no time.

Workouts shouldn’t be more than 30 minutes long. Especially when you are just starting out!

As long as you are consistent, you will see results. 

Here at Qwik Fitness, we aim to provide you with workouts that are no more than 30 minutes long. So, here are our picks for the best workouts for busy people.


If you like to dance, then Zumba is a great exercise for you. 

These classes are run by instructors who combine cardio and dance moves together.

Zumba also incorporates bodyweight exercises such as burpees, lunges, and squats. All while moving to energetic and fun music.

There are plenty of gyms that offer Zumba classes as one of their services.

However, if you find it difficult to get to a class, then you can try it at home. There are plenty of videos online that will provide you with Zumba classes.

Find the video or class that is best for you and get started as soon as you can!


HIIT stands for High Interval Intensity Training. This is a training routine that targets various muscles while keeping you active and making you sweat — all in under 30 minutes.

With this training, you will find yourself doing circuits and combining many exercises with very little rest.

If you’re worried about where to start with HIIT, then your best bet is probably YouTube. 

HIIT training videos are abundant online for your reference. There is no doubt that you’ll find a video that will get you sweating in no time!

Jump Rope

We often imagine jumping rope as an exercise that only children do and I imagine that you remember a time when jumping rope was fun and even nostalgic. 

However, it is a great workout to do in your busy adult life to really get the heart racing.

Can you jump rope for 10 minutes without stopping?

If not, this should be your goal! Jumping rope for 10 minutes is the equivalent of performing a 45-minute run and can even burn up to 750 calories!

On top of this, jumping rope is a full-body workout. 

You will find yourself engaging your legs and core in order to jump rope quickly and successfully.



If you’re looking for an option that isn’t as intense as the above but is still quick, then yoga might be just what you’re looking for! 

You can get access to thousands of useful apps or YouTube videos that can guide you through your yoga journey.

A great app to start with is Daily Yoga. It is currently one of the most downloaded apps and has hundreds of videos for you to check out and follow. 

The majority of yoga routines last for 10 to 30 minutes, so it is suitable for every busy person.

With these apps, you will also be able to track your progress which is integral to any exercise regime. 

Remember, there is no progress without goals!


If you like to spend some of your wind-down time watching the big game or enjoying your favorite show, then try something that we like to call “adver-cizing”.

Rather than sitting down with a fatty snack, mix up your favorite protein shake and engage in qwik exercises during commercial breaks. You can incorporate the use of dumbbells, bands, and other bodyweight exercises such as squats, or lunges as well.

Any time a commercial comes on, spend the 3-5 minutes break trying to get in as many reps as you can. If you sit down to watch a 30-minute sitcom you can fit around 10-15 minutes of exercise in using this method.

Lunch Hour Rush

Another way to get some exercise during your busy week is by making the most of our lunch breaks. Try finding the time to go for a rejuvenating walk.

Not only does this allow you to fit some exercise into your day, but it will also make you feel refreshed physically and mentally.

Once you get back to work, refuel with a protein shake, meal bar, or fresh vegetables. 

By doing this, you can decrease your caloric intake as well as burn calories.

Make sure to keep a small snack near in case you get hungry later on in the day. This makes sure that you don’t overconsume anything later due to being overly hungry.

Shower Stretching

If you adopt any of these exercises into your day, then it is important to remember to stretch out the muscles so that you don’t wake up sore and strained the next day. 

This will also help improve blood flow and flexibility.

By stretching, you can ensure that moving your body will become a little easier, and eventually, you won’t even give working out a second thought.

Another opportunity in your day to squeeze in some stretches is during your morning or evening shower.

Stretching in the shower keeps your body warm and loose which is the best time to be stretched without causing any damage. 

It is extremely convenient so there is no excuse not to stretch!

The Bottom Line

It is a myth that people need to find a free hour in their day to be able to fit in an exercise routine. 

In fact, you only need a few minutes daily to be able to reap the benefits of exercising. Doing even a little bit will make a noticeable difference to your overall health.

No one needs to spend hours every day at the gym unless they are an elite athlete. 

You can stay perfectly healthy and fit just by doing 10–30 minutes every day. 

Consistency, not workout duration, is the key!

Make sure to be intentional about the way you are exercising. As long as you are doing this then you will have no trouble keeping fit in a short space of time.

Lastly, make sure to keep some variety in your exercise routine. Try Zumba one day and then yoga the next. 

This variety will ensure that you are targeting all the right areas as well as making sure that you don’t grow bored with your exercise routine.

I hope that these ideas have inspired you to inject a little exercise and movement into your busy daily life. 

As long as you set your goals and stick to your routine, a little bit goes a long way!

Thanks for reading and best of luck to you on your journey.

TJ Daniels, Certified Personal Trainer
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